
These are the things we are planning to do and we'd really appreciate some help with.


Comment Crew

We need a comment crew. We want to support new edubloggers through comments, because they enjoy the conversation. The idea is to assign as many blogs as you can handle every week in order to leave them comments. We’ll be assigning different blogs every time. So bloggers can get different readers.


Featured post of the week

We are going to feature a new educational post every week. Each week a different person should pick and review one post written by a new edublogger. We’ll be posting it on our facebook page and it can also be crossposted on their blog. We plan to take turns on this so that nobody gets burnt out. You can check this week's featured post here: http://on.fb.me/f7wxrD


Help Crew

We will have a form on the wiki where a blogger can request for us to help them. This crew will be in charge of supporting new bloggers by helping them set up their blogs. (Technical support)


Blogging Consultancy Crew

We will have a form on the wiki where a blogger can request for us to help them. This crew will be in charge of helping them by giving advice and providing ideas on how to make their blog easier and friendlier for their readers.


These last two crews should be able to Skype with bloggers in order to help them in a more efficient way.


Featured Blogging Tool of the Month

We are planning to share a tool that can make the blogging experience easier every month. For ex: Google Reader, Google Alerts, etc. We can provide tutorials and useful links. A member of the crew should be able to Skype with them if they happen to have any trouble.


Newsletter Crew

We will be sharing a monthly newsletter with the best posts. We’ll create an online magazine that will be shared on our facebook page and wiki. Blogging Challenges: We will be posting a challlenge every two weeks. These challenges are meant to help bloggers reflect and grow professionally and personally.


Upcoming Projects