

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 14 years, 3 months ago




About Me


Welcome! I’m Lisa Dabbs, Educational Coach and Consultant.


I started my career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. During that time, I assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Soon after, I was called to serve as an elementary school principal, and did that for 14 years. Challenging work that was also very rewarding!


I’m a trained Coach/Consultant and have worked for Kaplan K-12 Educational Corporation as a 6-8th grade Consultant & ELA Coach in a large middle school in South Central Los Angeles. I also work, as time permits, as an Adjunct Professor teaching Graduate Level courses in School Administration. I have a B. A. in Child Development and a M. Ed. in Educational Administration.


I’m fortunate to be supporting new teachers by facilitating the New Teacher Connections group on The George Lucas Educational Foundation Edutopia website here: http://www.edutopia.org/groups/new-teacher-connections I’m also the creator and moderator of a chat for New and Pre-Service Teachers on Twitter: #ntchat. Our chat occurs every Wednesday at 4PM PDT/7PM EDT . It’s supportive and practitioner focused with discussions that resonate with new teachers in the field. Here’s the wikispaces for our New Teacher Chat http://newteacherchat.wikispaces.com/ Join us!

I’m a huge fan of Non-Profit work and am fortunate to serve on a local non-profit board. I’m also a Library Board of Trustee for my city. I’m a wife to a great guy and a Mom of two sons.


I have blogged for a year, but still consider myself an amateur writer. One of my dreams is to pen the story of my grandmother’s life as a teacher and college professor in the near future. She’s my inspiration. I’m working extensively now, coaching new teachers in the field. I’ve chosen to blog here to pursue my passion in that work. A passion for what I call IMET: Inspire, Mentor & Equip teachers… to “teach with soul“.


Stop by and visit my blog as it develops and as I chronicle my journey mentoring and coaching inspired teachers!


You can find me on twitter: @teachingwthsoul


My Blog: Teaching With Soul


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